June 13th, 2024

Health and Human Services Provider Letter Update

  1. Health and Human Services has a new website promoting the changes in how to register for Certified Nursing Assistant education and certification.

Many Assisted Living Facilities require their caregivers to have a CNA license, and since there are nine ways to get the certification, this website is a specific resource to upgrading your caregiver staff requirements.

The information can be seen at How to Become a Certified Nurse Aide in Texas | Texas Health and Human Services.

Let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of requiring your caregivers having a CNA designation.

  1. A Provider Letter was released March 31, 2024, with a few changes that affect small Assisted Living facilities.

The information can be seen at PL 2021-32 (Revised) Implementing ALF Life Safety Code Rules (texas.gov).  Let’s go over the relevant changes and discuss how that will affect your business.

  1. We are finding it more and more difficult to make it through the inspections for an Assisted Living facility. One of the HHS provider letters has provided a roadmap for Assisted Living on what to expect from the inspections and how to prepare.  For instance, we have found some of the inspectors for Small Assisted Living facilities are actually been trained and have been focused on Large Assisted Living Facilities, which have completely different regulations.  This has led to some confusion during the inspections and some additionally needed paperwork.

The information can be found at How to Become an ALF Provider | Texas Health and Human Services

Let’s have a round-table discussion sharing recent experiences with inspections and what you did to comply and receive your original license or to renew your license.

To join our group, go to silvermoonagency.com/monthly-touch